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Sunrise Over Disney, by Bert (Rob Flanigan)
Hardcover $27.95
Paperback $16.95
About the Book:
A man's trip to Disney World sparks a revolution in his thinking that strangely alters his quest for a true education. Ultimately, he redesigns a popular Disney attraction and predicts the trajectory of human development, while settling the long-standing feud between science and religion.
About the Author:
In this world of credentialed
experts, the author, L.N. Smith, is not one of them. In fact, his credentials
are so unconvincing that he has chosen to publish under a humorous pen name
instead of his real name. "L.N. Smith" is actually the abbreviation
for a phrase that sets up a joke. (The clues to the full name are in Sunrise Over Disney.) Only time will
tell if the joke is on him or on today's "credentialed experts." Bert is L.N. Smith's fictional
character, who writes and publishes books written in the first person. He is a
fun-loving jack-of-all-trades who traces his ancestry back to the chimney
sweeps of London at the turn of the last century.